
iTea Subscriber General Guidelines

An online tea trading platform for resources. Buyers and others

The iTea eBazaar (eBazaar) is an online tea-trading platform that brings together Producers and Buyers worldwide with offers based on iTea QualiTech Quality Determination and Valuation Reports. It is an open tea trading platform that allows all global subscribed Buyers to bid at the same time, allowing for greater and wider competition over the teas, and making it the best price-discovery mechanism.

To subscribe on the iTea eBazaar Trading Platform, the following are the requirements:

All participants in the iTea eBazaar Trading Platform are subscribers to the iTea eBazaar Trading Platform. All players at the iTea eBazaar Trading Platform MUST be duly registered by their regulatory authorities in their countries of domicile as provided by the laws of those countries. All subscribers shall be deemed to have agreed to the iTea eBazaar Trading Platform Rules and Regulations – June 2022 as spelt out and which may be varied by iTea from time to time.

Besides the trade being conducted in accordance with the iTea eBazaar Trading Platform Rules and Regulations – June 2022, all subscribers MUST observe the Code of Conduct and Business Ethics and sign up to be able to participate at the iTea eBazaar Trading Platform.

This is a commitment made by all subscribers to conduct their business activities at the Platform in full compliance with all laws and regulations in an ethical, transparent and professional manner while maintaining the highest of standards and treating all others with integrity. This is expected to generate trust among all players including our customers, business partners, suppliers, the Government and the community in general. This is our bond that forms the bedrock of our values that shall govern the way we shall run our activities and represent what we stand for. The letter and spirit of this Code is mandatory to all subscribers and underscores the very essence of iTea eBazaar Trading Platform.

All subscribers MUST apply for the Subscriber Category that they desire to belong by filling the Subscribers Application Form to be approved by iTea Limited after confirming compliance with the Subscriber Category Requirements and payment of the relevant fees.

All applicants MUST meet the tea trade legal requirements in their country of domicile before applying for subscription with iTea eBazaar Trading Platform. For all domiciled in Kenya MUST be duly licensed by the Tea Board of Kenya for the respective categories as per the Tea Act 2020. All relevant copies of licenses, registrations and certifications MUST be attached to the subscription application. All these MUST be attained prior to subscription application.

Already a member to the eBazaar Platform?

iTea Glossary

For Avoidance of Doubt the following are the definitions of the Various Subscriber Categories

Any government institution that has interest in the tea industry

Any person, firm or company so legally licensed/registered to buy tea at the auction.

Any firm or company so legally licensed/registered and either appointed by a Tea Producer Factory company through a specific management contract or agreement to perform or offer professional services; or a company owning a Tea Producer Factory.

Any person, firm or company so legally licensed/registered to buy tea at the auction and pack for both the local and export markets.

Any person, firm or company, so legally licensed/registered to manufacture green leaves into made tea.

a governmental agency mandated with regulating the tea industry

any governmental, non governmental or private institution carrying out research in tea production, processing, marketing or trade

Any person, firm or company that transports made tea from one location to another by road or rail

Any person, firm or company so legally licensed/registered to warehouse teas being sold in accordance with the Trading Rules and Regulations of the iTea eBazaar Trading Platform – June 2022.

Any commercial bank that is actively involved in financing tea trade in East Africa

eBazaar Auction

Here is a list of forms that needs approvals for trading on the eBazaar Platform. (Click to download)

Please refer to the Subscriber Category Requirements (Tea Producer Factory, Tea Buyer, Tea Broker, Tea Packer, Tea Warehouse, Tea Managing Agent/Managing Company, Tea Transporter, Transaction Bank, Tea Regulator/Research Institution, Government Agency)

For your respective subscriber category, licensing needs please contact the Tea Board of Kenya on the following address:

The Managing Director
Tea Board of Kenya
P.O Box 20064-00200 Nairobi
Tel: +254 -20- 2536886

Or P.O Box 903486-80100 Mombasa
Tel: 2314668/2313059